Spotlighting a partnership changing the global labour market
Website and promotional material for the Global Deal’s 2022 Flagship Report.

The Global Deal is a partnership of governments, businesses and workers’ organisations promoting social dialogue and sound industrial relations as effective means for achieving a fair labour market.
Every two years, the Global Deal delivers a Flagship Report which showcases the role of social dialogue in securing real change for people around the world. In 2022, they tasked the Syndicut team with a multi-layered project which involved the creation of a website and promotional assets to present the 2022 Global Deal Flagship Report, ‘A Partnership in Action’.
We had an appetite for change so we turned to Syndicut with a clear mission: transform our Flagship Report into an engaging and innovative digital product.
The Report is divided into 5 key themes. Within these themes sit 13 case studies, each describing the experiences of Global Deal partners in promoting and strengthening social dialogue to address global labour market challenges. The 13 case studies would form the focus of the site so an understanding of their content both through our own research and through conversations with the client was vital before we proceeded with the design and build.
With this project, a key consideration from the start was time. We had been set a tight deadline and needed to plan our approach with this in mind. An effective project plan was developed early on and the team executed agile working by running several large tasks side by side.
The Website
The website was the key deliverable in the project. It needed to capture the case studies and key statistics in the Report in a visually engaging, easily consumable way that communicated the importance of these real-world examples of change.
With the tight turnaround in mind, the choice was made to develop the site in Prismic, a headless CMS that allows for fast development and beautiful movement/page transitions. This choice was also influenced by the need for the site to be available in English, French and Spanish and potentially house the next flagship report.
Syndicut went beyond my expectations. They designed a vanguardist webpage, optimised search engine results, copy-edited the report into web language, produced a wide range of promotional materials and created an appealing PDF version. They dug in and figured out what we needed. I would have no hesitation recommending them for anyone struggling to shine a spotlight on their organisation.
Also running in parallel to the build was the design of the website. For colour scheme, we chose to give each of the 5 themes (under which the 13 case studies sat) a distinct colour identity which was used across the module to build the site. Once the colour scheme and font were decided, and the Global Deal’s existing photography had been worked into the design, the team considered how to add movement to the site. The animations created (using Lottie files) became a key part of the design as they combined shapes and the website’s colour scheme to reflect the idea embodied in the Global Deal’s work of several elements coming together to create something new.
The finished website brought to life the Flagship Report with imagery, colour and animation while also communicating the importance of the work and the central role that social dialogue and collaboration play in achieving it.
At this early stage, the Report’s case studies, which would form the site’s content, were edited down by the Syndicut team to be more web-friendly and SEO-compliant. Each case study was made shorter and snappier so it was more accessible to its audience which would range from employees in trade unions to the CEOs of global corporations. Though the content was reduced, we were careful to maintain the meaning and key language within the Report to prevent the central takeaways from being diluted. Once finalised, translations of the website copy into Spanish and French were organised for multi-lingual website accessibility.

Promotional Assets
Alongside the website, we also delivered:
- A PDF and print-ready version of the Flagship Report (162 pages) using the branding/styling of the site
- An explainer video for the Report’s promotional activities
- A detailed social media strategy for the Global Deal to showcase the Report, shout about their achievements and encourage organisations to join the partnership
- A collection of easy-to-use asset templates so the Global Deal could produce engaging and on-brand content internally without the need for an agency
By working closely with the Global Deal, we were able to meet every deadline and ultimately, deliver on a fantastic project for an important cause.