Automating digital platforms for humanitarian aid
A new website to simplify RedR's online processes and boost their profile.

We restructured and reworked the charity's online platform, bringing clarity and emphasis to their highly regarded training courses and events.
Stripping the site back, we use photography and bold statistics to communicate key messages.
The site has been integrated with Eventbrite to offer a simple and quick booking process for those wishing the book a place on RedR UK's well known training courses.
The primary goal was to draw attention to the amazing work that humanitarians are doing around the world, helping communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. Boosting RedR's profile in this way would help them to attract support from corporate partners, individual donors, and fundraisers - all with a view to helping them scale up their work, reach more people and consolidate their place as the leading provider of training to the humanitarian sector.
Another main aim of the site was to make it easier for humanitarian aid workers to access services, receive support and build their skills. RedR wanted potential trainees to be able to find, book and pay for a course in one sitting, even if they were struggling with an unreliable internet connection.
While recognising the scale, importance and urgency of the project, RedR remains a relatively small charity and, as such, was working with a limited budget. The preference was for off-the-shelf (rather than bespoke) solutions, when possible, which required us to be creative and imaginative.
Because the RedR site deals with a vast amount of donations, courses and member submissions, it was important to replace the older, manual systems with automatic systems via Salesforce and Eventbrite. Reducing the burden on administrators in this way made sure they could devote time to more high-priority tasks like organising aid for developing crises and forging alliances with other NGOs and disaster relief communities.

The website CMS was fully integrated with Salesforce, our CRM database. Our aim for this was to save RedR’s admin staff the time they were spending manually processing bookings so they could focus on developing new courses and finding new ways of supporting humanitarian staff worldwide.
We also wanted the site to look good, especially on mobile devices. It couldn’t be a re-branding exercise, so we had to think about how we could adapt the existing brand to look (and feel) better on the web. Particular care was placed on creating a unique and appealing design without compromising page speed and loading times.
An emphasis was placed on adapting the site to a wide variety of devices and internet connection speeds. Since many users would be in countries struggling with crises or conflict, it was important to make sure the site performed effectively on older technology as well as unreliable, slow internet connections. Using “progressive enhancement” techniques, the site uses lower-resolution assets for weaker connections so important content can still be easily accessed.
